/* Save this file, rename extension from .txt to .js Be sure to replace both instances of "your appendage" below with the text you actually want in the tag. Highlight tracks you want AppendTo in iTunes * Ctrl+Click for multiple files * then Execute by double clicking file in Windows Explorer http://liquidparallax.com */ var ITTrackKindFile = 1; var objApp = WScript.CreateObject("iTunes.Application"); var tracks = objApp.SelectedTracks; var numTracks = tracks.Count; var i = 0; while (numTracks != 0) { var currTrack = tracks.Item(numTracks); if (currTrack.Kind == ITTrackKindFile) { var storedComm = currTrack.Comment; if (storedComm.match(/your appendage/i) == null) currTrack.Comment = storedComm + " your appendage"; } numTracks--; i++; } WScript.Echo ("The text has been appended to Comments.");