
Santa killed Christ? There is some validity to that statement, but that doesn’t mean Christ or Christmas is gone. Christ is very much alive and swinging after the resurrection according to the Good Book. Christmas still means the celebration of Jesus’ birthday (although his birth most likely occurred during spring, when the census took place). Of course people aren’t singing the “Happy Birthday” song to Jesus, but they are paying tribute to the tradition whether they know its original history, which includes customs from the winter festival Saturnalia, a pagan holiday.

Santa has an array of origins and customs all over the world. St. Nicholas, a philanthropic bishop in 3 AD, gave gifts to the needy. Today, the old man in the red suit isn’t as saintly, but that’s where it started. And for those who think that Christmas is religion exclusive, realize that there are pagan rituals involved with Christmas like the decorated Christmas tree, from Winter Solstice.

I never had my parents reenact Santa coming down the chimney and put presents under the tree. I had my picture taken with Santa Claus when I was a little kid, but I never made a thing of it. I didn’t write him a “I want so-and-so” list. I was never lied to that my presents came from some magical random fat man. It became clear that it was indeed my parents who cared about me and gave me all those great toys. With that said, I have no problem with celebrating Santa, but there’s nothing wrong with not celebrated him either. In fact, many countries sat aside a different day to honor Nicholas the saint.

Some possible critiques though might be that American Santa isn’t giving presents to the poor as an act of charity. If you’re rich, Santa is able to give a kid from a wealthy family more presents or bigger presents than a child from a needy home. It can promote greed in wanting a thousand toys. My younger brother once wanted more than a thousand toys when he was told that Santa would bring him presents. He made a list so big that it cataloged catalogs. It was an anthology of all existing toys from circulars, magazines, commercials, and stores.

Santa may seem like an innocent and fun part of Christmas, but there is room for exploitation. With Santa’s foot in the door, he will easily find ways to take control of Christmas and destroy Jesus once and for all. He will just push and keep pushing and dashing and dashing away, stirring and sleighing away our Lord chimney by chimney until we have Christ no more. Satan is the carnation of the wolf in sheep’s clothing, or in this case Santa’s clothing. Unless we have the core teachings of Jesus firmly in our heart, we will be unable to kill Santa.

Just so you know, that last paragraph is satirical and is not my real opinion. Early April Fools. 😉 I’m not fanatic about bashing a bishop or abolishing Christ’ Mass. Santa Claus can be used and abused, but he can also be tamed. Just because he became a tradition does not mean he will overcome the true reason of Christmas. Closing the door to prevent a Santa Day is very possible. Don’t accept the slippery slope fallacy as definitive cause for any further effect. Let Santa be a part of Christmas, but don’t go overboard either. Don’t let a retail store dictate what you should do this Christmas. It’s Christmas itself that gets enough heat from politically correct psychos. People need to meet in the middle and suck in the holiday gut.

Merry Christmas. And Happy Hanukkah, Jolly Kwanzaa, Festivus, Saturnalia, Carol Day. Today is also Eggnog Day.