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09.25.04 34 charged in Arizona Motor Vehicle Department, identity fraud
11.30.04 Federal Judge grants restrianing order
12.06.04 $10,000 of Tax payer funds goes to help defeat prop 200
12.21.04 Average wage for illegal aliens in Southern Arizona $12.22 an hour!
02.11.05 Radio Talk Show Host To Call For Attorney General "Resignation" or "Removal" From Office
02.18.05 White House to Kolbe: NO to Trade Rep

September 25, 2004

34 charged in Arizona Motor Vehicle Department, identity fraud!
Local Radio talk show hosts say's,"we have been saying this for years!"

(Tucson, Arizona) The indictments of 34 people in Arizona suspected of making and selling fraudulent drivers licenses is just the "tip of the iceberg" according to Radio Talk Show Host, Steve Aiken ( Aiken is referring to the recent arrest of 34 Arizona Department of Motor Vehicle employees who are charged with providing government sanctioned identification, including driver licenses to illegal aliens.

Pima County Sheriff, Clarence Dupnik was quoted as saying; "…this is probably the largest public corruption case in the history of our state…They have sold national security in a traitorous and despicable fashion". Aiken, who's radio show often covers activities and cases like this in southern Arizona put it this way: "For years Government officials have been saying there is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud or corruption. Now that they have egg on their face, it's almost comical to watch officials from the Governor on down, scramble to do damage control. The opponents of proposition 200 might as well close their offices, the problems of illegal immigration have only gotten worse down here, prop 200 is just the beginning of getting Arizona to open their eyes and see the real problems we have down here, it is literally a matter of National security" Aiken concluded.

Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona and is heavily involved with Arizona Politics. Aiken's new book will be out shortly and he is available for comment or interview.

November 30, 2004

Federal Judge to Arizona…Your vote means nothing!
Imposes "restraining order" on proposition 200 in spite of overwhelming passage by voters.

(Tucson, Arizona) In the most stunning decision by a Federal Jurist since the 9th circuit court tried to say that the "Pledge of allegiance" allegedly violated the "establishment clause". The "Honorable" Judge David C. Bury today imposed a temporary restraining order against the implementation of Arizona's Proposition 200. "Prop 200", passed on Nov, 2, 2004 by a 56% margin. It requires proof of U.S. citizenship before anyone in the state can vote or receive welfare benefits. The imposition of one Federal Judge in this matter puts "states rights" squarely in the spotlight.

Arizona radio talk show host, Steve Aiken ( said of the ruling; "For those that think judicial activism is just a myth promoted by vast right wingers, I submit this particular restraining order as peoples exhibit A", said Aiken from his East Tucson home. Aiken continued; "This measure passed with 44% Mexican American approval, the opposition to this common sense approach to illegal immigration is inundated with inaccurate statements, myths, and out right lies!" Aiken concluded.

Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona and is heavily involved with Arizona Politics. Aiken's new book will be out shortly and he is available for comment or interview. Read More

December 6, 2004

"Non-profit", "non-partisan" AZ. School Boards Assoc. donated $10,000 to help defeat prop 200!
Were tax dollars "laundered" to effect the outcome of Prop 200?

(Tucson, Arizona) "The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife," said Radio Talk Show Host, Steve Aiken. "Most Arizona School Boards belong to the ‘Arizona School Boards Association. School Boards collect taxpayer dollars. The Arizona School Boards Association took some of that ‘non-partisan' money and donated it to an organization formed in part, to help defeat prop 200. In other words, a portion of my tax dollars went to try and defeat a proposition that I was specifically in favor of," said Steve Aiken on his weekly radio show. (*Download at

Aiken continued; "The Arizona School Board Association is supposed to be a ‘non-profit', ‘non-partisan' 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization like any church or charity. I guarantee you, had any church donated money to help win prop 200, that specific church would have been put out of business. The hypocrisy and double standard on the part of the liberal ‘left', never ceases to amaze me," Aiken concluded.

Earlier last week, Federal Judge, David C. Bury imposed a temporary restraining order against the implementation of Arizona's Proposition 200 approved on November 2. (*See It requires proof of U.S. citizenship before anyone in the state can vote or receive welfare benefits. The imposition of one Federal Judge in this matter puts "states rights" squarely in the spotlight.

Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona and is heavily involved with Arizona Politics. Aiken's new book will be out shortly and he is available for comment or interview.

December 21, 2004

Average wage for illegal aliens in Southern Arizona $12.22 an hour!
Research by radio Talk Show Host dispels the myth that "illegal aliens are only filling jobs that American Citizens do not want!"

(Tucson, Arizona) "There are a lot of people I know who would love a twelve dollar an hour job down here," said Radio Talk Show Host, Steve Aiken. ( In what may be a stunning setback for President Bush and many Arizona politicians. Aiken conducted an undercover 2-month survey of wages earned by illegal aliens in Tucson Arizona. His findings not only shocked he and his staff, this study goes a long way at dispelling the myth that "illegal's" are only filling menial jobs that American citizens do not want!

"Illegal immigration has become a booming cash industry in southern Arizona" said Aiken from his East Tucson home. "The idea that these are just poor Mexican people filling a niche in our economy that nobody else will fill, is just shear nonsense!" Aiken compares the defenders of open borders to facilitators of an underground, parallel, economy that many politicians and business owners are only to happy to glean from and exploit. This coupled with the fact that "most local police departments will not pursue illegal aliens when they are caught violating motor vehicle laws and minor offences, have opened the doors to a plethora of criminal behavior down here". Aiken continued, "From drug smuggling to fake identifications and human trafficking. When you have police officers and elected officials turning a blind eye to illegal immigration, this is what you end up with, it's only getting worse". Aiken concluded.

Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona, broadcast from the heart of "terror alley" known for its passage of illegal immigrants into Arizona. Aiken is heavily involved in Arizona politics. His new book will be out shortly and he is available for comment or interview.

For more information regarding the 4 previous press releases, contact
Larry Osment Jr. (520) 241-7686
Sydney International Media

February 11, 2005

Radio Talk Show Host To Call For Attorney General Terry Goddard's "Resignation" or "Removal" From Office"

"Saturday February 12 at 3:06 PM only on 690 AM the Voice!

(Tucson) In response to recent reports that Attorney General Terry Goddard has willfully deprived Arizona citizens of their Constitutional and Civil rights, Radio Talk Show Host and political pundit, Steve Aiken called for Attorney General, Terry Goddard's removal from office.

"Arizona must get out of the stone age, this is politics at it's worst. The days when anybody is above the law are over! This is not Mayor Dailey Sr. in Chicago or Frank Rizzo in Philadelphia. Attorney General Terry Goddard must be removed from office!" "…and yes I would be saying this even if I had been against Prop 200" Aiken concluded.

Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona, broadcast from the heart of "terror alley" known for its passage of illegal immigrants into Arizona. Aiken is heavily involved in Arizona politics. His new book will be out soon and he is available for comment or interview.

Arizona Attorney General says "No" to Prop 200 enforcement

February 18, 2005

Kolbe will NOT be Bush's "Trade Rep"

Radio Talk Show Host to "Push for Randy Graf." Says Illegal Immigration worse since Kolbe's "empty election promises."

(Tucson, Arizona) The White House announced today that President George W. Bush intends to appoint Peter F. Allgeier, of Virginia, to be Acting United States Trade Representative. This announcement raises the question whether eleven term Representative Jim Kolbe, will be willing to face another uphill battle for the Republican nomination as he did against Randy Graf in last year's election. Steve Aiken, political pundit and radio talk show host says, "It's time for a change. I am going to do everything in my power to help Randy Graf get into Congress next election. Jim Kolbe has had 22 years to fix the illegal immigration problem down here. All we get is empty promises; Graf and Kolbe have many similar political positions. However, Graf is committed to securing our borders and is willing to lay it on the line for us, I admire that" Aiken concluded. According to FEC records, Jim Kolbe outspent Graf more than six to one, with Kolbe spending a record $600,000.00, $300,000.00 of which was spent in the last two weeks of the primary campaign. Aiken accused Kolbe of running a "smear campaign" against Graf in that election. Kolbe was forced to pull out the "big guns" and asked United States Senator Jon Kyl and Former President George Bush Sr. to help him in a recorded telephone message blitz. Kolbe could not be reached for comment. Aiken, a former police officer and Washington D.C. Lobbyist, is best known for his advocacy and support of President Bush's "stem cell research policy". He hosts the fastest growing Radio Talk Show in Arizona, broadcast from the heart of "terror alley," known for its passage of illegal immigrants into Arizona. Aiken is heavily involved in Arizona politics. His new book will be out shortly and he is available for comment or interview. He can be heard on KVOI 690AM, Tucson.

For more information regarding the last 2 press releases, contact
Rebecca Townsend (520) 449-8065

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