Active Child in Female Form?

As we get further away from the 80s, we get more music that draws from it. And it’s usually hit or miss. So I will cut to the chase and let you know that Zola Jesus’ Sea Talk is quite the synthed ballad of pure retro-electro chamber pop. And why does Active Child get mentioned… Continue reading Active Child in Female Form?

“All Day” mixed review of Girl Talk

The illegal music sampling of Gregg Gillis has continued. The new e-mix came out this month and I was able to throw my ears at it on its day of release despite the slammed computer servers. Girl Talk now has mirror downloads that should let anybody have a listen to his album-length of recomposed pop… Continue reading “All Day” mixed review of Girl Talk

2008 Top 5 Albums

I was going to do a Top 10 list, but I honestly don’t listen to that many albums to narrow down from a single year. Chances are I’ll discover numerous albums from 2008, but until then I’ll point out some that I ended up listening to . Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago Busting… Continue reading 2008 Top 5 Albums
