As we get further away from the 80s, we get more music that draws from it. And it’s usually hit or miss. So I will cut to the chase and let you know that Zola Jesus’ Sea Talk is quite the synthed ballad of pure retro-electro chamber pop. And why does Active Child get mentioned… Continue reading Active Child in Female Form?
Tag: Talk
“All Day” mixed review of Girl Talk
The illegal music sampling of Gregg Gillis has continued. The new e-mix came out this month and I was able to throw my ears at it on its day of release despite the slammed computer servers. Girl Talk now has mirror downloads that should let anybody have a listen to his album-length of recomposed pop… Continue reading “All Day” mixed review of Girl Talk
2008 Top 5 Albums
I was going to do a Top 10 list, but I honestly don’t listen to that many albums to narrow down from a single year. Chances are I’ll discover numerous albums from 2008, but until then I’ll point out some that I ended up listening to . Bon Iver – For Emma, Forever Ago Busting… Continue reading 2008 Top 5 Albums